Today 27 dec 08,was a memorable day for me..haha nothing special actually la. Just my blog 'opening' haha..coz i dont know what to write for my 1st post ma..this morning i went pavilion with wing hong and i bought a pair of mickey shoes,hehe..afterthat we rush to connaught-EPDA for the christmas party and we got to perform! i was so nervous coz i havent prepare for it. Then we keep practise in the studio. Finally our turn to show our performance ler,no more nervous for me,just do it..haiz..so sad i done something wrong la,not nice ady the performance. Anyway i was happy also,and enjoy it^^but something was not so happy coz our instructor-chin bang,he got to go for a meeting cannot watch our performance. But then there was still have a video can watch la. Our team members got 7 of us,4 chinese n 3 malays. They r all very cool,but nice..especially shawn was a talkactive boy..1st day knew him but we met for 2nd time ady la,he keep zat me..nvm he still a di di..Btw,i hope still got chance for us to have a performance together,they r very good breakers..every1 of us received a christmas present-was a cute towel..haha so funny..and i received a present from wing hong also..b4 that i received a pendrive(kingston 4GB),damn happy,then a cute coin box from my working fren,then a quite big ultraman doll from yew hong..appreciate u guys..thx a lot..
wow cool!
Nvr noe tat u dance dude.
Hehe. Currently im learning shuffle.
ahyi really good in dancing leh..
dint inform me earlier geh?
I wanna hold banner for u leh~
lolz..i know my level reach where geh..haha..ron,u interested also de meh? hahaha next time muz show yea a bit lo! haha..yan,u sure got chance to hold banner for me geh,dun pretend tak kenal jao ok jor..hahahahahaha
sure i wont pretend tak kenal u la..
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